Delivering a compelling thematic investing campaign for Amundi

CORE supports Amundi in executing a comprehensive thematic investing campaign.




Asset Management


2022 - 2023



Video Production

Graphic Design

Narrative Development

Presentation Design


CORE was approached by Amundi to assist in a comprehensive campaign to highlight their diverse thematic capabilities. The campaign required a full suite of marketing assets, including: social media posts, video scripts, and 2 pagers for each thematic pillar of the campaign. CORE's first step was to set the tone by creating an upbeat and scroll-stopping social media teaser video to launch the campaign.


To develop the campaign, CORE worked closely with Amundi's internal teams to ensure a recognisable, consistent look that tied each pillar of the campaign together week-over-week.  Social media posts were created to drive traffic to the relevant landing pages. For deeper dives into the content and to educate clients, CORE also provided expansive video scripts and storyboards for Amundi's in-house educational video team. By crafting investment narratives into a variety of easy-to-consume assets, everything could also be reused on the overall campaign website.


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The campaign was a resounding success and the teaser launch was very well received. The campaign ran for multiple weeks, allowing the marketing and sales team to draw upon the wide variety of deliverables to educate clients about Amundi's thematic offering. With CORE's help, the client was able to showcase their expansive thematic capabilities and communicate their investment opportunities effectively.

At CORE, we are committed to delivering engaging and effective campaigns for our Asset Management clients. If you're looking for a creative agency that fundamentally understands your business objectives, we're here to help.

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