DigitalRFQ - a modern payments company - were looking for a refreshed brand identity to reflect their rejuvenated product offering and cutting-edge value proposition.
Following a series of brand deep-dives with the DRFQ team, we were able to crystallise their brand philosophy, mission and vision. This enabled us to create a visual direction in alignment with their greater purpose.

The revamped logo, flush with new colors, empowers DRFQ to radiate a much brighter and compelling message to their audiences across all channels.


The renewed brand identity was finalised and integrated into a variety of key marketing, sales and PR assets, including:
- social media presence
- website & product landing pages
- product UI
- pitch decks
- document templates
More Case Studies
success stories
Our case studies showcase a variety of financial solutions, customized to meet individual needs, that have led to significant gains and secure financial futures for our clients.